Kobo toolbox
Kobo toolbox

If you you’re already a recurring donor and need assistance, please email is maintained by Kobo Inc. There is an option for monthly donations. Welcome to the Action Against Hunger KoBo Toolbox server. Bienvenue sur le serveur KoBo Toolbox dAction Contre la Faim.

#Kobo toolbox free#

Please refer to the "How can I give online?" above. KoboToolbox is a free toolkit for collecting and managing data in challenging environments and is the most widely-used tool in humanitarian emergencies. Is built on the same platform used by ODK but is easier to. Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is delighted to organize the workshop Mobile Data Collection with Kobo Toolbox. If you need help with building or managing a form, collecting submissions, or handling data head out to our support & documentation website or visit our forum. KoBo Toolbox is a more sophisticated set of data entry and aggregation tools than Google Forms.

kobo toolbox

When processing a DAF grant through a charitable giving account, search for ‘Kobo, Inc’ by tax ID 37-1934868. Hello, world This is a developer oriented documentation for all Kobo projects. How can I give through donor-advised fund (DAF)? Please reach out to us at for wire transfer instructions. Please make your check payable to Kobo Inc.Ĭan I make a gift by wire / ACH transfer? KoBoToolbox is a suite of tools for field data collection for use in challenging environments.Quickly collecting reliable information in a humanitarian. To make a gift by check, please mail it to Kobo, Inc, 37 Highland Ave, Cambridge MA, 02139. Make a donation to the KoboToolbox via our secure FundraiseUp account. We are used by over 3,000 institutions, including the world’s biggest and most important humanitarian organizations, who rely on KoboToolbox to collect more than 100 million surveys a year. Last updated: The best way to use KoboToolbox is on one of the two free public instances - (if you work for a humanitarian organization) and kf. (for non-humanitarian users).

kobo toolbox

KoBoToolbox is funded entirely through generous grants and donations from our partners. Home Installing KoboToolbox on a Local Computer¶. KoboToolbox is used by hundreds of thousands of people working in all humanitarian emergencies around the globe, as well as responding to global health crises such as COVID-19, supporting economic and social development, or conducting primary research through surveys. KoBoToolbox, developed by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, is an open source suite of tools for data collection and analysis in humanitarian emergencies and other challenging environments that was built to address this gap. When you make a gift to Kobo, Inc., you are contributing to support the most widely used humanitarian data collection tools in the world.

Kobo toolbox